Online Tatting Class
Founded By Georgia Seitz
Shuttle Tatting Class Lesson Details
Tuesdays live at: Tatting Made Simple!
3 PM Eastern, 2 PM Central, 1 PM Mountain, 12 PM Pacific
9/24/24 Class Link >> Tatting Made Simple!
In today's class now that we have dipped our toes into tatting we will be going over the things that seems so hard yet it is very simple to do. These are
techniques used in everyday tatting. So it doesn't matter if you are a tatting Genius or a new tatter. These are things you will run into in every pattern along the way. Also I want to share with you a little trick on how to locate things on our pattern and techniques pages or any page you visit across the web. ​
All downloads will be under the class video in the description box.
9/17/24 Let's learn to tat and make our first motif!
Today we are going to learn the basics of tatting and then we get to work on
our first motif. We will add these technique how to information into our tatting journal then we will add in our sample into our journal. We also have some documentation for you to download in the description box of the class video
​​9/10/24 Meet & Greet
​Today we welcome back students and also welcome new students. We will go over what you will need for the classes and also introduce you to the website and also how to work the website. As well as how to use the YouTube Channel itself. What you will need for today's class is enthusiasm, a willingness to learn and eagerness to ask questions.
Also bring a notepad and pen or pencil as you will need to take notes on certain things. There is a lot of information to be shared with you and you don't want to miss any of it.
9/04/24 No Class