Online Tatting Class
Founded By Georgia Seitz
Needlecraft Magazine Patterns
February 1927
Tatting Combined with Rickrack and Novelty Braids - Anna J. Johnson
In the February 1927 issue of Needlecraft Magazine (pgs. 38-40) Anna J. Johnson presented 9 variations of tatting with rickrack or a novelty braid (turtle-back braid.) She wrote: "A most desirable trim for any use is made by combining tatting with braid, choosing a size of braid and thread suited to the purpose to which the lace is to be applied.
Several borders, medallions and insertions are given, all attractive, quickly made and serviceable in many different ways." Athough tatting is as traditional as ever, new combinations are always welcome.
Here the original newspaper clippings and photos are given, some of the patterns rewritten and new models have been prepared by Gina Brummett and Marie Smith ( Many thanks to both of them for making these patterns available to us once gain.
Pattern 1 Insertion with Rickrack
Pattern 2 Tatted Edging and Corner with Rickrack
Pattern 3 First Round Medallion with Rickrack
Pattern 4 Second Round Medallion with Rickrack
Pattern 5 Third Round Medallion with Rickrack, Rose Center
Pattern 6 Scalloped Edging with Rickrack and Tatted Rosettes
Pattern 7 Square Motif with Rickrack
Pattern 8 Insertion with Novelty Braid (Turtle-back braid)
Pattern 9 Insertion Variation of Pattern 8
Doily by Mimi Dillman and Mark Myers, substituting Cluny tallies for Rickrack